Trippy Tarsiers

Funny looking tarsiers just having a trippy day, this is the first Cardano NFT project officially released by the author and now also in the Polygon network. There are only 1000 of these NFT’s on Polygon, and also 1000 in Cardano, both sets on each network are identical. Trippy backgrounds sometimes complemented by the accessories on some of the tarsiers. The accessories or even variations on the background admittedly are quite limited, but nevertheless a fun and trippily beautiful random generated art.

Tarsier fact, they are endangered and in the Philippines they are mostly preserved by conservatory organizations. They do get depressed and commit suicide by hitting their heads on a hard object to death contributing to lesser numbers of living tarsiers. Trippy Tarsiers represent a fun and lively depiction of these endangered species, as a nod to the fact that they do get depressed and that they need to be protected from stress and man made causes of their demise.