The Software

Generative art requires some form of automation in generating a large set of NFT assets with their somewhat unique set of attributes per piece along with their individual metadata. This is where the software comes into service. There are a lot of software and even services you can pay for this kind of output. The author chose the open source route since programming and open source is the author’s field of experience.

The program is from an open source code, made using Node JS. The author had to test it, dismantle it, and recode a lot of it since it was a very basic released version. Currently in it’s modified state it can use animated GIF backgrounds mixed with PNG/JPEG still images and can now output two kinds of metadata (Opensea Polygon type metadata, or Cardano type metadata which can also be used for Opensea Polygon minting just ignore the unnecessary sections of the metadata). More upgrades to the software will be made as the need arises.

The software took 3 hours to generate all 500 Sexy Muses and around 4 to 5 hours to generate the 1000 Trippy Tarsiers. The NFT’s were generated on a simple gaming laptop running Node JS.